Being A Bride In A Dream

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Being A Bride In A Dream (Dream Meaning Of Being A Bride) Interpretation Of Being A Bride In A Dream

A bride in dreams is not always seen as an omen of good luck, but she represents a shift from singleness to marriage. When an unmarried woman dreams about being dressed up like a bride, that means that she is fantasizing about getting married, or taking her relationship with her loved one to a new level, at the very least.

If you are married and you are dreaming about being a bride, so when you picture yourself wearing full white wedding clothes and walking down the aisle, this may suggest major positive changes in your relationship with your spouse, or with people that you know intimately, like a best friend or a close family member. If that is the case, then you might be dreaming about being a bride on the eve of one of the biggest changes you have seen in your life. Your dream about being a bride could mean the person you are dreaming of becoming a bride is going to make a major commitment in their life very soon. If you are dreaming of getting married, but it is not in real life, this might mean you are approaching a commitment of another kind, and do not feel ready to make that commitment.

If you are younger and single, and see yourself in the dream as the bride, that might mean that you will take a lot longer to be married in real life. There is a possibility you would be inexperienced and have no idea what living a double life involves when you first marry. If you are single and you are fantasizing about being the bride, that means that the relationship, which is of the friendlier type, will develop into something much harsher. There is the chance you may get some big love if you are out of any relationships.

Dreaming of the bride being extremely beautiful can mean you are going to have a lucky break, having a great love affair. To dream about a bride, if you are a man about to be married, so when you see the appearance of the bride on the TV program that you are watching when you are relaxing, it could symbolise that your impending wedding would dramatically enhance both your lives for the better. For instance, if you see a dead bride in your dreams, such a dream may symbolize that you are going to do something major twice, like for instance, you might be married twice, or you might have two children. The dream might include walking down the aisle dressed in a white dress, or being on the sidelines watching the bride getting married.

If the bride is wearing a black bridal gown, which is a rare dream, this type of dream is confirmation that you are a unique individual, and your bliss is in being with someone equally unique. If the bride in your dream is wearing a red wedding dress rather than a white one, this means you are trying too hard to hold onto certain people in your life, even when it is clear that they do not want to be a part of it. If you are seeing a funeral, and in the casket is the bride, that is one particular dream that indicates you are unsure about your choices. Dreams are the classic explanation for death and the end, when you experience a dream like this one of a dead bride, you might feel shaky, but this does not mean you or anyone near you is going to die, so take it easy.

Dreams about the Bride Crying: It is said that crying on your birthday or on the day of wedding is not good luck, but tears of joy are a different level, if you have this kind of dream in which you see the bride crying, but tears of happiness, then it indicates that you are going to have a wonderful life in the near future. When you dream about seeing a happy-cried bride, this is also generally a good sign, it indicates good things are going to happen in your life. If this bride is not that happy while crying, it is a bad sign, it means there is going to be a cheating or other bad things very soon in your life. If the bride is sad, then this may be a sign that there is a certain disappointment you will face, you need to be prepared for that.

Dreaming about a happy bride symbolizes gains and happiness, whereas seeing a sad bride represents losses and unhappiness. Dreaming that one has kissed the bride may represent reconciliation between friends and family. To dream of seeing someone else kiss a bride means that you will have wonderful moments with the one you love.

If you do not recognize a bride in the dream, it means you will be able to focus on getting your education or making progress in your career, as you will have support from your partner, friends, and family. Seeing yourself as a bride in a dream without the groom can mean there will be difficulties at work, but that you will overcome those difficulties successfully.

Being a bride can reflect your anxieties over the wedding plans in your real life. As previously described, having dreams of being a bride indicates you are worried about the obligations required.

Modern dream books suggest that the brides ill-tempered dream about wearing her wedding gown may symbolise an increasing distaste for the location where you have chosen to work. If you wish to steal the bride away from someone, taking her away from a wedding ceremony for another, then this type of dream is an instruction for you to keep what is quite sure to occur from happening. If the bride is pregnant with a child, such a dream has a good symbolic meaning: It suggests you are likely going to fulfill some long-held desire, or you are going to feel lucky when you discover that someone close to you has done so. Since a bride is the symbol of marriage, she is the sign of the union of men and women for a long time.

If one is not married during ones waking life, the dream of being on an altar, amongst a multitude of people who are unfamiliar to each other, may be focused on a possible idea of marriage.

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A kiss is symbolic of affection and liking of someone or someone or something they represent. Pay close attention to what body part you kiss in the dream. If your dream ends before you get to kiss someone then it suggests insecurity and uncertainty of feelings that person has for you. You want to pursue a relationship with them but do not know how to do it. If you see other people kissing in your dream it implies you are caught up in other peoples business. If you are kissing someone’s hand it represents that you think highly of that person. Kissing someones foot indicates more respect for that person and you are not afraid to bow down to others because of your modest character. While a kiss on the cheek by you or someone else denotes appreciation and companionship. If you kiss someone else girlfriend or boyfriend in your dream it signifies jealousy or guilt over a situation that actually happened. You may be attracted to your friends girlfriend or boyfriend and not fully aware of it but you should try and distant yourself a bit. If you are kiss someone close to you it suggests your appreciation for that person in your life. It could represent a desire to want more than a friendship with them. It could simply mean that you are lacking intimacy in your life. If you kiss or are kissed by a stranger symbolizes acceptance of your character. The stranger represents hidden or repressed traits of you. The kiss indicates you are content with yourself and recognize you need to be who you really are. If you are being forced to kiss the stranger then it means you are rejecting aspects of yourself. If someone is obliging you to kiss them, the dream indicates you are being forced to do things in life that you do not want to do. If you kiss an enemy it represents a friend that would soon no longer be your friend because they are going to turn their back on you.


Dreaming in another dream could be very confusing and flustering. Having a nightmare in a dream is even worse. What exactly was the nightmare? You may need to take the bad and turn it into good in your life, turn your nightmares into dreams.


Dreams being in a museum are might be connected to the collective unconscious of the dreamer. Remember this is a place where we go to where historical items and other valuables are stored. Way before our time we are looking at what used to be.


May symbolize nourishment.

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