House Falling Apart

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Evangelist Joshua Dream Meaning Of House Falling Apart (House Falling Apart Dream Meaning And Interpretation)

If you dream that your old home is being inundated, this means that evil is moving in on you or on a member of your family. When you dream of an old house, it could mean so many things, regardless if it is your own old home. Many of its meanings will be dependent on how the house is expressed in the dream, if it is the home that you lived in, whether it is older, newer, etc.

Dreaming about houses, or having dreams about homes, is fairly common, but can take different forms when it comes to interpreting dreams. Visiting a home, a home that is not well-maintained, a house that is filled with life...dreaming about a home can have varying meanings depending on what condition the home is in. Generally, dreams about houses can have positive or negative meanings, it all depends on the state and conditions of a house.

If you dreamed about a new home, or one with children, then the dream means that a life is pleasant and quiet. When you have a dream of the house in which you used to live, it may also mean you are about to meet somebody whom you have not seen for a long time. If you are living in a nice, comfortable home, your dreams might mean something different.

Another meaning that is behind dreams about a bigger house is a need to escape from frustration. Logically, it is not like entering into a beautiful, clean home, which has positive implications, versus a dream of an old, ruined home, which means we must renovate ourselves and abandon our old beliefs if we are to be happy.

If you dream that someone has stolen your possessions, and that you come across an abandoned, old house, this represents the great loss of something essential. Dreams about abandoned houses: If you dream about abandoned or destroyed houses, this is a bad sign that can point to problems in your life, as soon as you have been acting careless and negligently, you can lose important things like jobs, properties, and also people. Dreaming that your home or property is, or has been, destroyed or lost because of damages usually indicates you are feeling threatened, vulnerable, or attacked.

To dream of the roof falling off of your home; indicates that the person who you are counting on to protect you is going to be unsuccessful. To dream about a roof being damaged or having holes in it indicates something or someone has attacked your sense of safety.

When you see a building that could fall down any moment, that is not a good sign. In general, a dream about a building collapsing is symbolic of your economic situation.

Dreams about buildings collapsing may mean a variety of things, depending on what you are seeing while sleeping. To figure out what it means to dream of a falling building, heres a list of dreams with various settings.

In addition to their biblical significance, these dreams usually indicate an accident, imminent danger, or death of a significant or highly significant person (such as a parent, a head of the household, or the leader of the community). In some cases, dreams may symbolise being manipulated in ones relationships, which may be a result of a malign curse. When manipulation occurs, the dream may indicate, in some form, that God is going to use your enemies against you.

This dream also means a person is surrounded by wicked spirits in their home. If we recall that a home represents ourselves, then this dream can be read as an immediate sign that we feel someone or something is trying to intrude, steal, burglarize, deface, or lay claim to us without our permission. If you are having a dream in which you see an older person in the house who you do not recognize, a reading is that a blocking spirit is about to come across your path.

If seeing a man in that location in your dreams means that the directive is directed at someone near and dear to you, pray and be vigilant in order to prevent this untimely calamity. Seeing places in your dreams may mean instruction to a person close to you, to be prayerful and watchful to avert the evil of un-timing death.

Seeing blindness yourself in the dreams is omen of bad luck, it means that an opponent has shown you things to come, or things to come that are already happening, you might not be seeing the end of life, or the best things that people used to see, right after waking, using Psalms 11, 12, 13 over water seven times over seven days, drank, and soaked on the final day of a seven-day fast. When you see or hear people singing songs in a dream, means that you are going to die, it is a bad oman for giving up and rejecting you. In some cases, seeing an older woman from your previous home is a bad omen, and having them give you food in the dream may even be a sign of serious pacts with the witches; if you are eating food, it means someone is trying to ruin your life.

Such dreams may sometimes mean your fumbling over which path to go in life, but they may also mean economic problems, loss of jobs, and poverty. This dream may suggest the need to make changes to your life, or the wish for a fresh start. You may get a sense that something will happen if you ultimately ignore the spiritual warnings behind the dream.

If you dream of your home or business burning down, this means that you are going to have some sort of abrupt loss or destruction. Dreaming that a home is on fire represents feelings of being helpless to prevent certain areas of your life from being lost forever. Perhaps you visited your friends old home, saw your own old home (see also Haunted House Dream Symbol), or had someone remind you of a home you had in the past.

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You need to get rid of the bad people and things in your life! Look around you, are you the problem or are they? Dreaming of being placed in quarantine implies that you should try and keep away from people before someone gets upset. If you dream of someone in quarantine or something it means that someone needs you but is scared to request your help.


Someone’s a bit adventurous lately! Dreaming of a journey implies growth and understanding of you. Whatever your journey, your unconscious is telling you what to expect and to persevere. If you go on a journey with your friends it represents social change. It could also mean that those friends are going to help you along your way of discovering what is in store for you.


Walking freely and knowing where you are heading means that you are on the right path in your waking life. Pay attention to where you are destined to in your dream, try and relate it to your life. If you are having problems walking, it suggests that you are a bit confused and not sure uncertain about your direction in life. Also you may be trying to ignore or hide from something in your life. Take heed of what you are having difficulty pursuing or why you are unable to progress forward because it serves as a representation of your waking situation.


A deer is a very gentle creature and to dream of one would mean you should pay more attention to your environment. You may be chasing a deer in your dream to escape the hostilities of humanity and get in touch closely with the natural beauty of nature in reality. A deer also is very feminine and could mean your emotions as a woman such as sensitivity. Communicating with a deer in your dream could bring out these emotions or if your replace the second “e” represent your feelings towards someone “dear” to you. When you dream of a black deer it means that you are not trying to hinder or shun your feminine qualities. If you feel guilty about shooting a deer it could represent someone you’ve taken advantage of or even your feelings of vulnerability. Now, dreaming of running over a deer with a car means you have a big obstruction ahead. Deformity: Deformity of yourself in a dream represents your thoughts of yourself not being normal or a part of you which you think looks different to everyone else. However deformity of someone symbolizes what you’ve chosen to ignore in yourself that is hindering your performance in life.

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