How to Have Sexy and Erotic Lucid Dreams by Listening to the Right Music

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Lucid dreaming is a state of sleep in which you're conscious of your surroundings and can control or manipulate what happens next. This state has been proven to have many benefits including creativity, problem solving, and dream recall. It can also be used as a type of therapy for PTSD and anxiety disorders. However, lucid dreaming is not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes it's hard to know if you're asleep or awake. Music has been shown to help with the process of lucid dreaming by acting as a trigger to let you know when you've entered this state. Here are some tips on how listening to the right music can help you have a lucid dream tonight, and even better: Have your very own sexual fantasy while asleep!

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is a state of sleep in which you're conscious of your surroundings and can control or manipulate what happens next. This state has been proven to have many benefits including creativity, problem solving, and dream recall. It can also be used as a type of therapy for PTSD and anxiety disorders.
Lucid dreaming is not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes it's hard to know if you're asleep or awake. Music has been shown to help with the process of lucid dreaming by acting as a trigger to let you know when you've entered this state.

How to have a lucid dream tonight

There are many different ways to know if you're dreaming or not. One way is to act like you're awake in the dream and see if things start to change. If you're in a dream, for example, there will be no sound. When you hear music playing in your ear, it's a sign that you entered the lucid state of dreaming!
Since the trigger sounds are so specific, it can be hard for some people to hear them. That's why it can help to have an external sound source--like music--which is known to have greater auditory stimulation than typical dreams.
This type of music helps with lucid dreaming by acting as a trigger that lets you know when you've entered this state. If you hear any type of noise that interrupts your sleep, then it might be time to check if the noise was just part of your dream or not.
Lucid dreaming is also used as therapy for some people who suffer from PTSD and anxiety disorders because they will often dream about their trauma while maintaining control of their senses while awake. Music helps with this process by acting as a trigger which lets them know when they've entered this state.


How music helps with lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a type of dream state in which you're conscious and able to control what happens. It's often used as a way to cope with anxiety and PTSD. While lucid dreaming isn't as easy as it sounds, there are some tried and true methods that can help you enter this state.
For example, music has been shown to be helpful for lucid dreaming because it can act as a trigger for the listener to know when they've entered this state. If you're trying to have a lucid dream tonight, try listening to music that reminds you of sleep or relaxation. Our partner YouTube Channel called LUCID SEX DREAMS offers a full catalog of music specially designed to induce in yourself a sexual fantasy while you sleep. Just start listing to it while having some hot thoughts, close your eyes and let the msic ma the rest for you


Have you ever had a dream and thought, “I could’ve sworn I was awake!”? That’s called lucid dreaming, and it’s more common than you think.
Lucid dreaming is when you become aware that you’re dreaming and retain decision-making capability, while the dream is still happening. And while some people can't remember their dreams at all, others can do it with ease.
The music you listen to before going to sleep can have a big impact on the type of dream you have. So relax, have a cup of tea before bed, and enjoy listening to our lucid sex induction music. It may just help you have an erotic lucid dream tonight!

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Discover The Meaning of These Other Dreams


May suggest immature thoughts (air) and feelings (water).


May represent light, illumination or awakening.


May symbolize a place of refuge, solitude or privacy.


Dreaming of wearing glasses indicates your need to give something or a situation a closer look. If the glasses are scratched or damaged in some way it means you have an impaired or wrong view of a situation or things.

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