A bridge in general Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about A bridge in general explained:

Bridges in your dreams are an important symbol that you should not ignore. Dreaming of Bridges let us know that your are in a important transitional period in your life right now. This move that you are going to make will benefit you in every aspect of your life. When you are on a bridge and cross over to the other side, represents that you have already made up your mind. Do you remember who is on the bridge with you? This would suggest that you need to bridge the gap between that person. If you see a bridge crumble in front of you donates that you are blocking yourself in from others.

May represent an authority figure.

Dreams involving a bridge under construction are fairly positive in nature, signifying prosperity and happiness in your life. The closer the bridge was to completion, the more joy and sense of accomplishment it is likely to bring to your life. You may be able to relax and enjoy the fruit of your labor for some time to come, basking in both your personal achievement and the admiration of others.

Trying to walk across a small bridge, such as one placed over a small creek or pond, represents the difficulty you have bridging the gap between you and another individual in your social group. The problem may arise from your lack of desire to listen to other people's opinions or your unwillingness to deal with the petty small-talk initiated by others. However, your inability to get along with this one man or woman may negatively affect the whole group, meaning you may want to reevaluate your feelings and actions toward this person.

A shaky, unstable bridge, such as a rope bridge above water or across a narrow valley, often represents being unable to avoid or leave a person who causes you great anxiety or agitation in wake life. Most likely, this person is some type of partner or supervisor with whom you are obligated to work for an extended period of time. Rope bridges that sway in the wind or shift with each step you take upon them can also reveal your disinclination to take on more work either at your job or in the home. In both places, the people who share the space can recognize your laziness and probably are frustrated with your behavior.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. A stone bridge - Visions of a strong, sturdy stone bridge are auspicious symbols usually indicative of making positive changes in your life with the guidance and support of someone steadfast and encouraging. Not only ... Learn More!
  2. A bridge on fire - Envisioning a bridge being consumed by violent flames is an ominous sign to see in a vision. Burning bridges, just like the saying suggests in wake life, suggest aspects of your personality, particula... Learn More!
  3. A concave bridge - Dreaming about a bridge that is concave or warped beyond all repair is a highly negative sign to see in a dream vision, especially for those with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Concave bridges, instead of... Learn More!
  4. Air in general - The presence of air in dreams, whether you are breathing it in or feeling it circulating in the room, generally reflects your current physical and psychological state. Often this means things are not ... Learn More!
  5. Building a bridge - Building a bridge during the course of a dream, such as collecting materials or welding bits together, symbolically represents having a lot of difficult time in the future, most likely because you hav... Learn More!
  6. Ice in general - As a general symbol in dreams, ice is often considered a negative image. It is often seen prior to serious hardship and challenges in reality, particularly when you are attempting to do something you ... Learn More!
  7. Mud in general - Envisioning the image of mud in a dream, especially if you were moving through it during a hike or bike ride, represents the troubles and responsibilities that are currently slowing you down in wake l... Learn More!
  8. Sun in general - The presence of the sun in a dream vision, as seen in the sky or an illustration thereof, generally represents eternal love, glory and great deeds. So whenever the sun makes an appearance, it means bi... Learn More!
  9. Ants in general - Dreaming about watching or seeing ants could reflect that your work methods and habits are tenacious and relentless, allowing you to reach your goals. Dreaming about ants in general is also an indicat... Learn More!
  10. A ram in general - Having a dream about a ram symbolizes personification of your current sexual partner. Your partner may be very down-to-earth, sensible and sober. However, he or she could be impulsive, driven by needs... Learn More!

A bridge in general

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