A flood swallowing a town Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about A flood swallowing a town explained:

May symbolize community.

When your house is submerged by water, it means that feelings about your home and family have been very powerful. You feel like the responsibilities keep piling up and you are not getting anywhere. When you feel you need to save someone else from the flood then your responsibility as a caretaker is overwhelming. If materialistic things get destroyed in the flood then your subconscious is trying to tell you to let go of those things, there are more important things in life that money cannot buy! If everything around you like your street or school floods then you feel overwhelmed with things in your life and you just want everything to end so you could make a new beginning. If you find yourself fighting with the water and feeling like you are going under, stop being so stubborn and proud, you need help with your problems!

A dream where you wander through a town with no one in sight is a common one. First you need to analyze your surrounding and see if you have any memories there or it serves any purpose of your past. If so then you need stop living in those days and move on. If not it could just mean that you feel lonely and you find yourself trying to get away from people.

Dreaming of seeing a massive flood in the spring is a sign of good luck. It means you will have favorable changes in the overall improvement of your life which will also cause you to obtain significant achievements in business and other more personal affairs.

Living in a strange town in a dream predicts a slew of changes in wake life. It could be anything from changes in your hairstyle or fashion sense, your place of employment, your current romantic relationship, or all of the above. You should thank yourself for having enough courage to effect these changes because they would make your life a whole lot better.

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  6. Swallowing a snail - Cleaning up the slime from the snails represents your concerted efforts in keeping an untrustworthy individual at bay. Someone could be exhibiting suspicious or objectionable behavior around you and y... Learn More!
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  10. Witnessing a flood - Witnessing a flood with all its destruction and damage in your dreams means you may experience a feeling of panic and hopelessness because of an event or a situation occurring beyond your control.... Learn More!

A flood swallowing a town

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