Relocating or moving to another place of residence likely reflects your discontent. You could be craving for a change of pace, whether it is from work or in personal life. The daily grind could be driving you to boredom, hence you seek an escape or look forward to adventures. You may get what you wish for as a job opportunity would come your way promising a more challenging and exciting work environment. Alternatively, you could meet someone new who would reignite your passion and motivate you to pursue your dreams once more.
Rarely do we live and work in the same place all our waking lives. We often go through major life changes requiring us to move from one house to another and/or from one job to another and so dreaming of moving may suggest that you are going through a major life change – leaving the past behind and preparing for what lies ahead.
Envisioning a barge or other large cargo ship docked in a harbor is normally interpreted as a sign that you have lost your previously high position in someone's life. In essence, this means that someone you still consider to be a good friend does not actually think the same of you anymore. A barge inside a port indicates that they have replaced you with someone else and prefer this other person’s presence to yours. You may want to reconsider your relationship with this person or try to find out why this has happened so you can rectify the situation.
Seeing a barge or other large cargo ship which is empty or was recently unloaded predicts experiencing feelings of isolation or loneliness in the near future. Particularly, this dream points toward a fight with or separation from someone whom you were once close to and relied on heavily for support. This dream vision suggests that the cause of this disagreement and split, as represented by the empty cargo hull, is your tendency to jump to conclusions without having all the information. However, this period of sadness is not likely to last, and you may be able to reconcile with this person rather quickly if you can admit your fault and express remorse.
To dream that you are moving to a big and cozy new house in a nice and happy neighborhood, when you are feeling restless, discontented or unhappy in your current home for some time now, could very well be referring to you unexpectedly relocating to a new place or residence in your waking life. It would be better to re-assess where you are located right now. This could mean a whole new life and perspectives presented to you after relocating and growing roots in the new place where you would be relocating to.
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