The image of wrinkled, sagging skin, especially if it is your own aged skin, denotes ongoing problems in your life as well as more issues you have to deal with in your future. These are usually responsibilities that you are reluctant to take on so they give you so much more stress than you typically deal with. Just like the state of the skin, you may feel as though you are rapidly aging because of the burden of the responsibilities. Fortunately, with age also comes knowledge and experience, so this period of struggle would inevitably give you a lot of lessons.
Seeing yourself wearing an obviously wrinkled or creased dress is often interpreted as a sign of experiencing difficulties and troubles in real life. More specifically, it suggests that some task you are currently working on is destined to be met with serious issues or obstacles that would make its completion more challenging. This could cause some frustration and stress in your life.
Wearing a red dress within a dream, whether it is a simple day dress or an evening gown, predicts witnessing or participating in some important, momentous occasion. This may be a generally important date, such as a special party or holiday, or it may be something related to your life, like watching two friends get married or going through an event which may significantly change your life. Looking at another person wearing a red dress in a vision suggests that this person is experiencing some big changes in their life and that you should be a part of it.
Dreaming about adding a new dress to your wardrobe or closet is often interpreted as a positive sign meaning you are about to make some big gains or achieve excellent results from a project you are currently working on. You may have been working very hard to see this task through, and its completion is likely to leave you feeling satisfied and content. Additionally, new dresses tend to predict the beginning of a new stage of your life, such as getting a promotion, moving, or starting a family. This could come about through some unexpected, but fortuitous experiences in your wake life.
Seeing yourself in an old, torn dress is often interpreted as a sign of upcoming conflict within the context of a dream. This is likely to be a disagreement or fight with someone you see or interact with often, such as an immediate family member, roommate or coworker. You may wish to be more tolerant and accepting of others in the near future to avoid these problems.
Dreaming about walking through or driving by a countryside church often is a positively charged symbol. Namely, it could translate your forthcoming ability of finding truthful, genuine and valuable fr...
The image of ice floating on water in the dream realm, such as in a glass or in a bowl of punch, suggests that your current good luck is about to run out. If you have recently had a string of successe...
A dream in which your own head strikes you as an important detail or focus of attention, such as when you comb your hair or try to find a fitting hat, is usually considered to be an alarming sign. Thi...
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