Bananas in a graveyard Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Bananas in a graveyard explained:

One of the best phallic symbols you can get in a dream. To dream of a banana represents the penis and the sexual urges that are behind it. Was the banana rotten? Did you eat the banana? Were you disgusted by it? All of these questions you should ask yourself to better understand your feeling towards it issue. If you are in a relationship the type of dream can indicate issues that you have with your partner.

A dream about a banana may be a reference to a penis or male sexuality or energy.

What exactly is in the graveyard? Do you recognize any of the names on the headstone? The graveyard could just be your buried feelings or people you have gotten rid of in your life. It could also mean that you wish to see someone who was close to you that has died.

Dreaming about eating or handling unripe or green bananas is a forewarning. You might benefit from interacting with people in a more thoughtful and careful way. This especially applies to meeting and dealing with individuals who may express their sexual interest, affection and attraction toward you. It is better not to lead them astray by pursuing any sexual activities with them, for it may have negative consequences. That is, the relationship is not ripe for sexual intercourse.

Dreaming about buying bananas at a supermarket could be a forewarning. Namely, you should be careful and watch your every action. This is because you might be dealing with powerful and influential people. These individuals could easily create some undesired problems and headaches. In order to avoid such disastrous outcomes, close attention to your conduct and behavior might be necessary.

Top Most Related Dreams to Bananas in a graveyard

The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Selling bananas - Dreaming about finding yourself selling bananas could symbolize irrelevant dealings. Specifically, you could soon become involved with activities, projects or plans that are worthless to you. You woul... Learn More!
  2. Carrying bananas - Dreaming about buying bananas and then carrying them home could foretell a sexual affair. It is possible that you might find yourself involved in a romantic relationship. This relationship would be ve... Learn More!
  3. Looking at bananas - Dreaming about finding yourself looking at a display of bananas for sale without purchasing any could be a negative sign. Specifically, it could foretell a period of solitude or aloneness. However, yo... Learn More!
  4. Bunches of bananas - Dreaming about seeing bunches of bananas either on a plant or by themselves is a favorable sign. In particular, it suggests that you might find a sexual partner. This person would be a perfect match f... Learn More!
  5. Bananas in general - Dreaming about seeing bananas in general, for example sold at the supermarket, could symbolize uninteresting encounters. That is, you might be interacting with someone whom you find dull, pathetic or ... Learn More!
  6. Bananas in a graveyard - Having a funeral at your own house symbolizes a possible ending of relations and subsequent acceptance of the fact. It could also allude to freedom and separation from your family and loved ones. It s... Learn More!
  7. Dated or rotten bananas - Seeing, handling or trying to consume dated or rotten bananas in a dream usually portends negativity. It is possible that you are or would soon be involved in an activity, project or business against ... Learn More!
  8. Cutting bananas in pieces - Dreaming about finding yourself or observing others cutting bananas into small pieces could be a symbol of restrained flattery. That is, you could be sexually attracted to someone and outwardly flirt,... Learn More!
  9. Bananas growing on a plant - Dreaming about observing the growth of bananas on a banana plant is an unfavorable sign. You might soon become exhausted, drained and tired. This physical and psychological state would be consequent o... Learn More!
  10. The Virgin Mary and bananas - Dreaming about the Virgin Mary and Jesus could mean that you are undergoing some inner spiritual conflict and you are looking for the support of higher power to resolve it. Because you mention that th... Learn More!

Bananas in a graveyard

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