Beautiful hands Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Beautiful hands explained:

Dreams showing hands tied with a rope, especially your own, is a sign of coming hardship in your life. Bound hands show a lack of control in a given situation, leading to complications, disorder or confusion. This type of dream could also indicate losing interest in something that once sparked your curiosity or captured your attention, such as a hobby, an activity, or even your faith. Finally, if within the dream you are able to escape your bonds, it means you will be able to rein in an out of control situation before things make a turn for the worse.

Dreams about itchy, irritated hands predict the coming to a head of some conflict. Hands that need to be scratched at, in a dream, usually mean that some confrontation may soon take place, although whether it is verbal or physical in nature depends on the participants. The person with whom you are having the disagreement likely is short-tempered or easily provoked to begin with. Itchy hands in a dream are also associated with an unexpected accident or injury, though occasionally also have the more positive meaning of suddenly receiving a sum of money, usually from an unexpected or unknown source.

Dreams about blood-covered hands are a sign of exclusion or blame. Whether they belong to you or to someone else, hands enveloped in blood could be a sign of forthcoming alienation by those around you, possibly family or close friends, most likely in order to avoid association with you, no matter if you are guilty or if it was something beyond your control. This type of imagery in a dream could also symbolize your unjust treatment or blame of someone close to you due to their behavior, what they have done or what they have failed to do.

Dreaming about strong, brawny hands is a positive sign, especially in regard to a profession or hobby. Rugged, well-worn hands are an indication of success, possibly in a project or assignment, or victory, potentially in a competition or tournament.

Dreaming about eyes that are particularly beautiful in either shape or color could be the manifestation of your deep feelings for a lover, partner or spouse. This symbol can work on its own to reveal feelings that you may have been denying until now or work with already admitted feelings to increase their intensity or clarity.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Swollen hands - Dreaming of hands that are swollen or enlarged is a sign of unexpected events leading to a positive outcome. Usually, puffy hands in a dream mean having no control over a certain event or series of ev... Learn More!
  2. A beautiful doll - A beautiful doll, perfectly made and manufactured with delicate features, points to a brief moment of bliss. This could be due to achieving some sort of success at work with your project, but in the e... Learn More!
  3. A beautiful face - Seeing a beautiful face, with features resembling someone you find attractive in real life or perhaps a celebrity you find particularly good-looking, means things are about to look up for you. Specifi... Learn More!
  4. Blood on hands - Dreaming of seeing blood on your hands is a warning to focus more of your attention on your own personal welfare and the things you are currently working on. If you do not, then you are opening yourse... Learn More!
  5. Beautiful nature - A dream about standing in awe of the natural beauty of the bright, staggering landscapes and rugged, exotic locales, which seem to glow unaided by sunlight, is a sign of progress when it comes to your... Learn More!
  6. Beautiful hands - Dreams involving beautiful hands, whether they belong to you or someone else, are a sign of talent and grace. It means that you will become skillful either in a new endeavor, or become successful in s... Learn More!
  7. A beautiful view - Envisioning yourself looking at a beautiful view laid out before your eyes is a positive image to see in a dream vision. In general, observing a beautiful scene or scenery predicts overall happiness a... Learn More!
  8. Beautiful people - Having a dream about meeting with or being surrounded by people you perceived as particularly beautiful reflects the goodness present in your relationships. This dream vision reflects the warmth and t... Learn More!
  9. A beautiful horse - Dreaming of observing or seeing beautiful horses from a distance often brings the promise of upcoming prosperity and success, regardless of what you do in particular. That is, the impeding success is ... Learn More!
  10. A beautiful woman - Seeing a beautiful woman in a dream vision is a very lucky sign which portends experiencing joyous, exciting, or emotionally touching events in the near future. Your participation in or witnessing the... Learn More!

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