Being mischievous Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Being mischievous explained:

Dreaming about being mischievous and romping like a toddler or a child may be a reflection of your excessive energy and enthusiasm. It is possible that you could be an easy-going and relaxed person, capable of communicating easily with other people. This personal characteristic could be used to your advantage. Alternatively, your outgoing personality could be inappropriate in certain more serious circumstances, which would demand a more restrained and adult behavior. In this case, your carefree attitude would work instead to your disadvantage.

Dreaming about a mischievous ghost is symbolic of good vibes coming you way. It could be interpreted as a sign of prosperity, amiable relations between you and your close family members and a positive attitude which seems to envelope the people inhabiting your household.

Dreaming about observing or looking after a mischievous child could be a positive sign. It could represent your agility and astuteness. It could be suggestive that you would be able to achieve a whole lot more than what you now think you could. That is, it could be that your expectations about your abilities are lower than the actuality. Alternatively, it may mean that aging and elderly matters are concerns that do not interest or affect you.

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