Being playful with an enemy Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Being playful with an enemy explained:

May symbolize inner conflicting ideas, thoughts, and/or emotions.

As the saying goes, you are your worst enemy. Your dream could be telling you that you are being too harsh on yourself, take it easy and treat yourself once in a while. If you see someone else as your enemy it could mean different personalities or just simply theirs a disagreement and disliking towards or from that person. It could also mean resolving problems you are having with yourself.

Encountering or being around a playful or mischieveous child in a dream symbolizes that others in your real life may have a serious or impersonal businesslike attitude towards you. It may be in your best interest to determine whether these attitudes are for the best or whether they cut you off from developing personal relationships.

If you happen to dream of a little kitten cheerfully playing in your own home, know that this symbol could be a reflection of your current state of mind. Perhaps, you could be feeling torn between the serious responsibilities you have to deal with on a regular basis and the simple need to relax and have some quality rest at least every once in a while. Therefore, consider this dream to be a friendly advice from your subconscious mind to reconcile these two polarities in your life and do your best to unwind from the hassle while still keeping in mind the importance of your usual duties and work.

Seeing your most bitter rival in reality suffering from sickness or disease is a negative sign to behold in the realm of visions. It is a harbinger of misfortune and sadness, predicting that at present they are capable of dealing out harsh punishment and retribution. Their current ability to cause you great damage and trouble should not be taken lightly. If you are currently battling with this individual or see an opening to instigate a conflict yourself, it would be wise to take a step back and take the high road. Any instigated fight on your part is sure to end in your opponent's victory.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Killing an enemy - If you happen to see the disturbing dream in which you physically kill an enemy, regardless of whether it is an actual rival you have in waking life or an imaginary being native to the dream, be aware... Learn More!
  2. Kissing your enemy - Kissing your enemy in your dream or a person you do not get along with is an indication that you will be able to reach a compromise with this particular person. Whatever you'll work on will be agreeab... Learn More!
  3. An enemy in general - In general, the dream symbol of an enemy, regardless of whether it was a real person troubling you in waking life or just an imaginable character in your vision alone, could be a reflection of all the... Learn More!
  4. Being playful with an enemy - If you happen to see a dream in which you see yourself acting playful and relaxed in the presence of an enemy, be it someone you know in waking life or just an imaginary being, such as when casually f... Learn More!
  5. A non-existent enemy - A dream in which you happen to interact with an ardent enemy who does not have a prototype in your waking life and exists solely in your dreamscape could be an exceptionally auspicious sign. It forete... Learn More!
  6. Holding hands with enemy - Dreams involving holding hands with a rival, enemy, past friend or ex-lover signify a series of events or a certain, special occasion which could bring about a restoration of friendly relations betwee... Learn More!
  7. Becoming someone's enemy - Dreaming of yourself becoming an ardent enemy to someone regardless of how real your adversary is, for example, after a serious fight with a family member or friend, or turning into an arch villain an... Learn More!
  8. A fight with your enemy - A dream in which you see yourself in the middle of a physical confrontation with an enemy is generally believed to be an unfavorable sign regardless of the details of this event. For example, whether ... Learn More!
  9. Having sex with an enemy - Dreaming about having sex with someone you dislike may reveal a subconscious desire to be like her or use some of her qualities to your advantage. In a sense, you are appreciating her through the act ... Learn More!
  10. Being chased by an enemy - A dream in which you happen to envision yourself trying to escape a vicious enemy chasing you, regardless of whether it was a person you know from waking life or an imaginary entity native to the drea... Learn More!

Being playful with an enemy

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