Black rats Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Black rats explained:

As a dream symbol, black rats, like the ones you see in filthy or unsanitary places like gutters and sewerage, generally convey negative interpretations just like the repulsive reaction they stir up in reality. Specifically, dead black rats are symbols of minor issues and inconveniences that can plague your day-to-day tasks. Meanwhile, Norway rats or those big and fat black rats that roam fields, farmlands and breed beneath buildings represent bigger problems and dilemmas requiring immediate action otherwise they could become unmanageable.

A white rat is a dream symbol for an untrustworthy feminine presence. As such, having several white rats in a dream vision points to manipulative and deceitful women trying to take advantage of you. Maybe you have a tendency to easily fall for sweet and caring women because you are looking for nurturing and attentive maternal figures in reality, so once these types of women find out this weakness of yours, you could fall prey to their wily ways. Take care not to be too gullible or you could get into big trouble.

In general, seeing a rat's trap in apartment corners or under tables, or even as display in home improvement and pest control shops, is an indication of a potential robbery or burglary that could happen to you. This could be a result of your carelessness about home security. However, if there is no rat caught in those traps, then it means luck is on your side as you would be able to successfully dodge major controversies or rumors concocted by your rivals in hopes of damaging your credibility and good name.

Eating rats, whether you are being forced to dine on rat meat or you are cooking and eating them on a plate without disgust or reservations, could be an indication of cumbersome tasks or challenges that would lead to negative outcomes. You may be held responsible for the failure of a project or a deal falling through, so you would be held accountable for your actions. Your demeanor in the dream is likely a reflection of your own attitude in cleaning up the mess you have made in the real world.

Seeing rats in a dream vision, whether they are scurrying in an alley or within your house's premises, is a symbol of betrayal. Neighbors or relatives whom you trust may turn their backs on you when you need them or stab you in the back out of spite. Envy or personal ambition may drive them to break your trust. On the other hand, this can generally refer to disagreements and conflict. Perhaps you and your business partners are not on the same page which can be very problematic for everyone involved.

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  4. Killing rats - Killing rats in dreams, maybe by using poison or by brute force, is an indication of your eventual triumph over life's hardships and adversities. There are challenges ahead of you, most of them may be... Learn More!
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  6. black eye - May symbolize aggression, violence, accidents or pain. Learn More!
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  10. A black cow - Crossing paths with a black cow in a dream is ominous of physical discomforts and pains, illnesses and health scares, and possibly even death. You may actually have good reasons to be worried about as... Learn More!

Black rats

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