Claiming you are the author Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Claiming you are the author explained:

This might be an indication if you need to write down your thoughts to paper. This could also suggest that you may have desires to make your thoughts known and active to others. It also could be a dream that wants you to communicate with yourself on a more personal level. As Socrates says “know they self”.

Dreaming of becoming a book author, regardless of the subject matter of your book, likely reveals your desire to try a new career or seek out new opportunities. This yearning may be due to the boredom and dissatisfaction your feel with your current work or profession. The monotonous and tedious tasks could be driving you insane, so to speak, hence you are looking for escape. Part of your escapist thoughts may be entertaining thoughts of pursuing interests or passions you have previously let go in favor of practicality.

May symbolize self-expression and sharing ideas with others.

Interviewing an author or discussing the authors work in a dream is a warning to be aware of someone trying to create conflict or disagreement in order to sidetrack your career path.

To take the challenge of being an author suggests that you are now capable of taking the next step in your career or personal life, these changes are destined to be successful.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Dreaming with famous author - May represent a desire for creative self-expression or to communicate your ideas to society at large.... Learn More!
  2. Arguing vehemently with an author - An intense argument with an author indicates a very challenging onset for a project that you have just started and a looming possibility of ending this project.... Learn More!
  3. Observing author working frantically - To dream of an author frantically working on writing portends you will encounter disappointments or regrets with your artistic endeavors or creative projects.... Learn More!
  4. A stranger claiming he is watching over the family - Because this dream took place in your house and kitchen, it can be inferred that this dream is concerning you specifically. Seeing a stranger in a vision may indicate feelings of regret or disappointm... Learn More!
  5. Actively defending your rights as an author - Arguing about your rights of authorship means that you will be engaging in a critical conflict with your business competitors.... Learn More!
  6. Author has finished and reviewing his work - Dreaming of an author reviewing his finished work is a warning you will encounter obstacles that will delay the completion of an ongoing work or project before it is submitted for approval.... Learn More!

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