Collecting frogs in a purse Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Collecting frogs in a purse explained:

In waking life, your purse or wallet carries your means of identification, your license, your money, your credit cards and other valuable and important possessions. In dreams, your purse or wallet may represent any or all of the following:

Seeing a purse in your dream symbolizes close and personal thoughts. Pay attention to what is in the purse and the condition of the purse which will represent your mental state.… If the purse is empty you are emotional and unsure of yourself.If you lose your purse it implies that you have lost a sense of who you were once. On the other hand, finding a purse means that you have started a new chapter in your life.

Having a dream of seeing many frogs is a promising sign, especially for those who are in love. It means success and fulfullment in your personal life. This could also symbolize being in the company of wonderful, trusted and loving friends or getting the support of your loved ones. In the area of business, it could mean prosperity and outstanding achievements in all your endeavors. For those who are in the farming business or in the area of agriculture, it is a sign of good harvest and favorable conditions to raise cattle and obtain income from this activity.

Losing a purse in a dream is an ominous sign that you could become a subject of admonishment, harsh treatment or even grave threats by people or institutions you are indebted to but have so far been unable to repay. Since you are still incapable of repayment given your present situation, you could be afraid that your creditors or lenders might take more drastic actions against you, and this unnerving thought could cause you enormous amounts of stress.

Dreaming of frogs in water is a very positive sign. It symbolizes success and triumph in your undertakings, both for those which you are currently involved in and also your future endeavors. If you are thinking about embarking on a new project, maybe it is the right time. However, a great number of frogs in your dream could also symbolize conflict and discord. You could be involved in a feud with your close relatives or friends because of some action that you committed, or due to a misunderstanding that you might have with them. This might lead to some fights and undue conflict within your circle. Try to be mindful to avoid such stressful situations in the future.

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  2. Frogs everywhere - Apart from the possibility that you could have the phobia of amphibians and this fear follows you even into your dreams, there is also a chance that you have been lately overwhelmed with a series of n... Learn More!
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  4. Dreaming with collecting - May represent concerns about debt or finances. Learn More!
  5. A great number of frogs - Seeing a great number of frogs in your dream symbolizes conflict and discord. You could be involved in a serious situation with your close relatives or friends because of some action that you committe... Learn More!
  6. A purse with money stolen - Losing a purse in a dream vision is usually interpreted as a negative sign predicting owing someone a debt but being unable to repay them when asked to. This could be related to money, such as loans o... Learn More!
  7. Collecting frogs in a purse - Frogs are usually a symbol for a period of transformation, both internally and externally. The frogs you collected in your dream and then put inside your purse could mean a set of changes you are unde... Learn More!
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  9. In a pool with large frogs - Pools and other large bodies of water often represent soon having access to a number of exciting and interesting opportunities. This is combined with the image of the frogs which is also a promising s... Learn More!
  10. Collecting crystals underwater - Discovering crystals underwater represents positive developments in your future. This is associated with exciting opportunities that would open up for you, in line with your personal goals. You could ... Learn More!

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