Cooking plantains Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Cooking plantains explained:

May symbolize love or a desire to be loved.

Plantains are symbols of good luck and fortune in dreams. As such, frying plantains and sharing the dish with your relatives portends blessings and prosperity which you would be able to share with your loved ones. You could reap the rewards of your hard work by getting a coveted promotion, closing an important deal or getting an incentive. It could also mean the end of problems and difficulties. If you have been experiencing issues or obstacles, then this dream heralds a smooth-sailing and more peaceful period of existence for yourself and your loved ones.

A dream in which you see yourself preparing rice dishes is symbolic of the new responsibilities which you would undertake. These obligations would be necessary for you to fulfill in order to live a life which is balanced and blissful and which would improve your standard of living as well as greatly benefit your existence.

Dreaming that you are cooking octopus, such that when you buy a fresh octopus from the market and start cleaning it in your kitchen in preparation of an exotic cuisine to serve to your guests, could contain a possibility of being blackmailed or intimidated by someone in the near future. You should steer clear away from shady individuals or activities in your waking life to avoid this negative situation. On the other hand, the vision could also be significant of an upcoming sickness or getting injured in an unwanted accident. It would do you good to be mindful about your health and daily activities.

Cooking a meat dish in a dream predicts a *meaty* life, that is, a life blessed with material wealth and filled with joy. After going through a lot of hardships and sacrifices in life, you would soon get everything you deserve, including a big, happy family and a substantial amount of wealth and affluence.

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  3. A girl cooking fish - Seeing a woman you do not know cooking or carrying cooked fish points to troublesome or stressful situations that may plague your life in the near future. You could find yourself feeling disappointed ... Learn More!
  4. Cooking in the kitchen - Dreaming of yourself cooking food in a kitchen regardless of whether this is your own kitchen or, for example, in a restaurant or coffeehouse you work in could be a vision reflecting the current state... Learn More!
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  6. Cooking with artichokes - Dreaming that you are cooking with artichokes means that you will be able to come out of a very hard and trying situation in such an admirable way that you will inspire others with your strength and t... Learn More!
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  9. Cooking but not eating feces - Cooking feces could be an indication of liking to stir up trouble or get involved with gossip. While you like to share juicy details with others and tiptoe along the edge of bad, you probably are not ... Learn More!
  10. Late husband cooking a steak - This vision may seem to be centered around your past, but it actually gives some insight into the present. The setting of this dream, a home you shared in the past, represents an internal desire to re... Learn More!

Cooking plantains

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