Dated or rotten bananas Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Dated or rotten bananas explained:

Why didn’t you use it when it was ripe and fresh? Dreaming of something going bad denotes that you threw away the chances you had to excel.

A dream about a banana may be a reference to a penis or male sexuality or energy.

One of the best phallic symbols you can get in a dream. To dream of a banana represents the penis and the sexual urges that are behind it. Was the banana rotten? Did you eat the banana? Were you disgusted by it? All of these questions you should ask yourself to better understand your feeling towards it issue. If you are in a relationship the type of dream can indicate issues that you have with your partner.

Dreaming about rotten fish is a warning that your relationship with an important and influential person will come to an end because of some rumors or information which will negatively impact its foundation.

A dream about smelling or eating rotten meat signifies the likelihood of going through sporadic periods of physical discomforts or body-twisting pains as a result of the inflammation of the nose or throat, or the swelling of the gums or face caused by an abscessed tooth. On a more serious note, this dream vision predicts that you might soon encounter hardships and difficulties in the implementation of your current project or undertaking.

Top Most Related Dreams to Dated or rotten bananas

The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Rotten eggs - Dreaming about seeing or handling rotten eggs portends possible loss of property or tangible assets due to acts of God or man. A house fire might gut everything you have worked your entire life to acc... Learn More!
  2. Rotten apple - A rotten apple signifies that there are labors or projects in your current life which are in vain because they will not yield the desired results they were intended to yield.... Learn More!
  3. Unripe bananas - Dreaming about eating or handling unripe or green bananas is a forewarning. You might benefit from interacting with people in a more thoughtful and careful way. This especially applies to meeting and ... Learn More!
  4. Buying bananas - Dreaming about buying bananas at a supermarket could be a forewarning. Namely, you should be careful and watch your every action. This is because you might be dealing with powerful and influential peo... Learn More!
  5. A rotten mango - The image of a rotten, decaying mango carries an ominous prediction in the realm of dreams. It means your current tasks or projects are about to be plagued by major setbacks. On one hand, this could s... Learn More!
  6. Carrying bananas - Dreaming about buying bananas and then carrying them home could foretell a sexual affair. It is possible that you might find yourself involved in a romantic relationship. This relationship would be ve... Learn More!
  7. Selling bananas - Dreaming about finding yourself selling bananas could symbolize irrelevant dealings. Specifically, you could soon become involved with activities, projects or plans that are worthless to you. You woul... Learn More!
  8. Dated or rotten bananas - Seeing, handling or trying to consume dated or rotten bananas in a dream usually portends negativity. It is possible that you are or would soon be involved in an activity, project or business against ... Learn More!
  9. Looking at bananas - Dreaming about finding yourself looking at a display of bananas for sale without purchasing any could be a negative sign. Specifically, it could foretell a period of solitude or aloneness. However, yo... Learn More!
  10. Bananas in general - Dreaming about seeing bananas in general, for example sold at the supermarket, could symbolize uninteresting encounters. That is, you might be interacting with someone whom you find dull, pathetic or ... Learn More!

Dated or rotten bananas

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