Dreaming with advice Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Dreaming with advice explained:

Any advice we hear in a dream can be quite helpful if its good. Usually you will only get good advice from powerful dream characters. If you know what the message is use it to help you in life. Advice in dreams lets us know that we have good instinct.

If your father appears in your dreams and offers a piece of advice to you, be sure that this advice merits a very serious consideration. This advice needs to be accepted and followed to prevent undesirable things from happening. It must be taken into account while making everyday decisions. Based on the context of his advice, it could be related to your inefficient or wasteful ways of doing things which are obvious to him.

Advice given or received may suggest a direct message from your unconscious or your conscience.

If your father appears in your dreams and offers a piece of advice to you, be sure that this advice merits a very serious consideration. This advice needs to be followed very seriously. It must be taken into account during decisions that you are making to untangle a complicated issue or to resolve difficulties you are currently facing so as to emerge out of it successfully.

Long hair in dreams is associated with attraction and sexuality, especially for females. Being told to hide your hair reflects limitations and conservative beliefs surrounding you. You may be feeling restricted and chastised in reality for expressing any kind of vanity or feminine sensuality. It makes you feel angry and frustrated whenever others try to control your actions and behavior. You may be in the process of trying to assert your independence and this is making your elders uncomfortable. Perhaps you need to strike a balance of getting a degree of freedom whilst respecting your traditions and values.

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  3. Receiving advice from an unfamiliar woman - Getting advice in dreams usually points to issues in real life needing resolution. Based on your dream, it seems that you are currently grappling with relationship concerns. Are you thinking perhaps o... Learn More!
  4. Violent relationship, asking for advice - Dreaming that you are the listening and supportive ear of a victim of violence usually is a negative sign. It could reveal that you or someone very close to you needs or would need to be offered a hel... Learn More!
  5. Dreaming with I - May suggest it would be good to focus on yourself more. Learn More!
  6. Dreaming with M - May represent the Roman numeral M (1000). Learn More!
  7. Dreaming with Q - May symbolize something that starts with the letter Q. Learn More!
  8. Dreaming with O - May represent surprise. Learn More!
  9. Dreaming with P - May represent someone whose name begins with P. Learn More!
  10. Dreaming with A - The letter A may represent judging or grading of someone or something very highly.... Learn More!

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