Fortune Telling Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Fortune Telling explained:

A dream of someone telling you your fortune indicates your longing to foretell your future. You are anxious to know what is going to happen or you already sense what is coming ahead of you and you just need someone to confirm it. Your unconscious would help you with what to do.

May represent planning for the future.

Telling someone your name in a dream, such as by introducing yourself at a party or a similar situation, represents your impeccable reputation in your workplace and within your group of peers. This is mainly due to your recent accomplishments which would earn the respect and admiration of your friends and colleagues. Your work ethic and excellent skills are going to elevate your career. This dream vision also reveals a major boost to your self-esteem enabling you to be more sociable and confident in social situations.

Whether you are a lesbian or not, this vision is a negative sign pointing towards bad luck and conflict in your future. More specifically, this dream vision portends having a disagreement with a close friend or relative about who is right and who is wrong. No matter the actual truth, you are not likely to win this argument, and may lose face with your group of friends or family members until the two of you have come to an accord.

To dream that your boyfriend snitched on you reveals your guilty conscience. You could be scared that someone would discover your regrettable mistakes or shameful secrets. Your mind conjured up this scenario probably because your guilt is starting to become a burden. Also, you may be close to being found out in reality, so the fears and apprehensions are setting in. You may need to address these issues or come clean before you start imploding.

Black and white generally allude to clear lines and demarcation. As such, dreaming in black and white could mean that your subconscious is reminding you to be more objective in dealing with issues instead of jumping to conclusions. You may be prone to being stubborn and inflexible when you put your mind on something even when others tell you that your logic may be flawed. While this unshakable resolve is good for certain undertakings, it can often cause rifts with your loved ones when you fail to consider their perspectives and opinions on the matter. The dialogue in the dream likely reflects your fears and apprehensions. Certain circumstances in the waking world may be dredging up deep-seated issues of rejection and abandonment. Maybe the key to assuaging your fears is to be open and honest with your partner about your trepidation, so that he would offer his side of the story. In addition, black and white dreams also suggest emotional distress. Perhaps you think your connection with your boyfriend has gotten stale and lost its color. You could be looking for some sort of validation and assurance from him in order to know whether he is fully committed.

Unwanted telling by an astrologist or receiving some unfavorable reading from a person practicing astrology is a reminder that you should rethink your life. Reflect on the way you view things and how you approach decisions you have made in the past. It is time that you change your perspective in life for your own good.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Telling oneself to leave the house - Refusing to allow someone to enter your house and physically escorting them away from the premises may reflect a personal tendency to avoid facing the truth of the situation. While some say that ignor... Learn More!
  2. Getting hired for a job and telling someone - Envisioning yourself searching for a bathroom in a dream, either at some public place or within an unfamiliar house, can be interpreted as a sign of insufficient funds or poor financial management you... Learn More!
  3. A ghost telling the maid to leave the house - Dreaming about someone whom you employ is often thought to reflect your own hard work and determination, particularly in matters of business or household tasks. You are likely a disciplined person who... Learn More!
  4. Boyfriend telling to wait longer for his return - If you were expecting your boyfriend to be back with you by now, and he is still away, contrary to what he may have promised to you, this dream vision serves as a reflection of your anxiety and worrie... Learn More!
  5. People calling names and telling to stay away from them - Being both chased and ignored are negative signs to see in a dream vision. Being chased predicts the rise of an enemy or rival who may cause disruptions or chaos in your life. This person may be someo... Learn More!
  6. A tall blonde man in tuxedo telling to commit suicide - This dream vision could originate from your attempts to try to compare yourself with an individual or people who are more successful or popular than you in waking life. You are probably constantly ref... Learn More!
  7. A talking doll on grandmother's lap telling future - The talking doll in this dream represents your husband's suppressed desires or things he wants to do with or without your permission. The police and the grandmother could both be representations of yo... Learn More!

Fortune Telling

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