This symbol could be a play on words for White Anglo Saxon. Did you know that the wasp is a very social insect and has special means of communication with its family. When the wasp appears in our lives it is a message for us to consider our own methods of communication. The wasp might be a sign that we may need to express ourselves better.
The image of a large nest of wasps in the dream world, especially if it was particularly close to you, could predict great unhappiness, frustration or disappointment in the upcoming days and weeks. This symbol often represents the idea that someone or something would let you down or cause you internal turmoil. If you accidently came across or disturbed a wasp nest during the course of a vision, it is possible your work environment is not ideal for advancing either your career or personal goals. Specifically, this image implies supervisors, co-workers and even underlings may be interfering with your work or otherwise trying to impede your progress.
Being bitten or stung by a wasp in the context of a dream vision often means you are soon to be separated from or may soon part ways with someone you currently spend a lot of time with and enjoy the company of in reality. Some interpretations of this symbol suggest this split could be due to differences of opinion or some sort of fight, but others indicate this could simply be due to physical distance or a general growing apart as your lives take different paths.
Seeing a wasp fly by you at some point during a dream vision represents positive changes or circumstances coming about in reality. You may soon receive some good news or learn of some improvement taking place in the near future. You would feel positive emotions during this period, including relief, excitement, joy and satisfaction. This prediction holds true whether the wasp was flying past you or if it was simply crawling across a surface in front of you.
Crushing a wasp during the course of a dream vision, whether you did so on accident or on purpose, symbolically represents the sudden appearance of vile rumors going on behind your back. Some so-called friends may actually be using your secrets and private opinions against you in a very public forum. Destroying or removing a wasp nest has a similar connotation, indicating an unpleasant separation from someone you love or care about. Boyfriends and girlfriends may break up, while married couples may have a disagreement or fight.
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