Injection Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Injection explained:

An injection in your dream symbolizes that you need something injected into you because you feel like you are lacking something. It could be energy, love or just an emotional uplift. If it is an injection for medical purposes then you are worried about getting a disease. If someone is injecting you it suggests that someone is being forceful and you are being taken advantage of which could be present in a sexual relationship.

May represent a period of healing.

To dream of getting injected with poison means you may be forced to agree with something you do not believe in. The punishment in reality is your subjection to the opinions and beliefs of others. While you may not necessarily agree with their ideas or positions, it does not mean that they are wrong. Perhaps your parents are trying to control or discipline you and this makes you feel suffocated and stripped of personal freedom. In that case, you may need to understand why you are being persuaded or forced to comply and whether or not the refusal to listen on your part would be better for you in the long run.

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