Injured abdomen Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Injured abdomen explained:

The abdomen is the center of our body, our solar plexus -- the center of our power, therefore, personal power may be being questioned.

To see an abdomen in your dream represents your gut feeling on a situation. This is a interesting dream symbol because it represents your intuitive human instincts in your walking life. There is someone or something you cant seem to stomach. Who was in your dream? Was it your abdomen or someone else? This will help you recognize an internal problem the person in your dream or yourself. If you notice that the abdomen is open means that you might be letting too much information go out about you. At this given time you might be feeling vulnerable.

Just like a building requires a strong foundation to stand, a man needs a pair of healthy feet to go through life with confidence. That said, a dream in which you envision a pair of injured feet or legs, be it your own or someone else's, is usually considered to be an ill omen. It portends upcoming hardships and losses of great magnitude, similar to a crushing blow to a building's foundation. Most likely, the damage in question would be either of emotional, physical and financial nature, but this is a matter impossible to affirm univocally.

Injuring your toes in dreams has to do with the state of your assets or properties. Depending on the extent of your injury, it can refer to a small setback or damage to your property or it can be a serious headache. If it is a minor injury, such as stubbing a toe or a small gash, the issue with your property may be easily resolved. For instance, you could get into a minor accident which your insurance would cover anyway. Or perhaps something in your house or apartment may need to be fixed. However, if it was a serious injury involving multiple toes, then you would likely need more time and effort to fix it. You could get burglarized or get into a nasty spat with relatives because of inheritance and similar disputes.

Having an injured penis in your dream refers to possible hospitalization. You could be involved in an accident that would cause you to end up in the hospital. This dream vision can also symbolize having your feelings hurt. Someone in your work or in your social circle might verbally harm or insult you. This person or group of persons could dislike you or may be competing with you for a position at work or for dominance and authority in your immediate social group.

Top Most Related Dreams to Injured abdomen

The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Abdomen aching - Having a dream that your abdomen is aching, for instance when you suddenly clutched your abdomen in pain while eating with family in a restaurant, could allude that your current plans or aspirations w... Learn More!
  2. Abdomen cut open - Dreaming that your abdomen is being cut open, for example when you are undergoing an abdominal surgery to remove a tumor and the surgeon is using a scalpel to pry the skin open, could indicate big mat... Learn More!
  3. Abdomen bleeding - To see your abdomen bleeding in a dream, for instance when you visit a doctor to consult about a pain in your abdomen and you suddenly feel and see blood trickling from your abdomen without any idea w... Learn More!
  4. Exposed abdomen - Having a dream of an exposed abdomen, for instance when you see yourself on the beach and sunbathing naked while your abdomen is exposed to the heat of the sun, could predict that you could have some ... Learn More!
  5. An injured head - A dream in which you happen to see or have an injury to the head, regardless of whether it was your head or someone else's, is traditionally considered to be a symbol foretelling hard labor and exhaus... Learn More!
  6. Injured abdomen - Dreaming of an injured abdomen, for instance when you see yourself stumbling over a big stone along the pathway while running and you toppled forward thus hitting your abdomen in the process, could in... Learn More!
  7. Swollen abdomen - Having a dream that you have a swollen abdomen, such that when you woke up in a dream and you were horrified to see that your belly is somewhat swollen and slightly protruding, could mean soon encount... Learn More!
  8. Your own abdomen - Dreaming of your own abdomen, for example when you put on a swimsuit and you are drawn to your tight and fit abdomen which resulted from your consistent exercise and healthy eating, could symbolize br... Learn More!
  9. An injured finger - An injured finger is actually a positive symbol in dreams. It symbolizes your loves ones' love and respect for you. Whenever you get into trouble or put on a tight spot, you can always rely on your fr... Learn More!
  10. Abdomen in general - To dream of an abdomen in general, such that when you are attending a general anatomy class and the person in front is discussing the abdomen part, could be symbolic of your current quality of life or... Learn More!

Injured abdomen

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