Lions head Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Lions head explained:

Seeing a head in your dream represents intuition and knowledge. If someone is trying to take your head of it suggests that you are not looking at things in the right way. Whatever problem is causing you trouble you should pay attention to the facts and truth and stop letting your vision be blurred. If you have two heads in your dream it means that you need to allow others to help you out. Sometimes others could help us better than we can help ourselves. Also two minds work quicker than one.

Head lice or lice in your hair is generally a positive dream symbol that is often associated with wealth. The more head lice you find, the more money you would earn in reality. You could acquire lucrative financial assets thanks to well-connected friends or financial advisors. If you are working on a venture or a startup business, then you may receive a surprising source of funding which would be instrumental in your company's growth.

A dream about lions signifies your ability to exert control and power on other people. The notion that you saw lions mating may point towards a physical intimacy or relationship where you might have an upper hand. In other words, you may be currently in a liaison where your significant other could be providing you with opportunities to have more authority when it comes to physical intimacies or be able to control them in some other way.

Dreaming of seeing a group of lions happily at play in front of you means you will encounter feelings of ignorance and selfishness from someone who is presently in your life.

If you happen to see a dream which features yourself having a ridiculously small head, know that this vision is a reflection of your keenness to blame other people and external circumstances for your problems and all unfavorable developments in your life. Most likely, you harbor serious doubts about your personal traits, talents and skills, thus often dwell in pessimism. This dream is to be considered as a reassurance that your life could be significantly brighter and much more fulfilling if you gather the courage to assume a more determined attitude.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Lion's head - Seeing a lion's head up close to you with its teeth showing is a warning about making strides to gain power or control because your attempts will result in failure.... Learn More!
  2. Animals as lions - Having a dream about animals represented by lions signifies your power and ability to control other people when it comes to moving your projects or plans forward.... Learn More!
  3. A pig's head - Dreaming about seeing or looking at a pig's head could have a negative meaning. Namely, you could soon be used by someone for their own personal gain. That is, someone could take advantage of you to a... Learn More!
  4. Scratch Head - May symbolize confusion or a lack of understanding. Learn More!
  5. Your own head - A dream in which your own head strikes you as an important detail or focus of attention, such as when you comb your hair or try to find a fitting hat, is usually considered to be an alarming sign. Thi... Learn More!
  6. Someone's head - A dream in which you happen to focus on someone’s head, for example, when you are a stylist or barber giving this person a neat haircut, is usually interpreted as an exceptionally favorable sign foret... Learn More!
  7. Hair on a head - A dream in which you pay a lot of attention to the hair on someone's head, possibly up to a point when this becomes the only detail from your dream you can recall in the morning, has drastically diffe... Learn More!
  8. A covered head - If you happen to see a dream in which you notice a covered head, regardless of whether it was your head or someone else's, be aware that this could be an extremely unfavorable omen foretelling financi... Learn More!
  9. An injured head - A dream in which you happen to see or have an injury to the head, regardless of whether it was your head or someone else's, is traditionally considered to be a symbol foretelling hard labor and exhaus... Learn More!
  10. An animal's head - The head of an animal, regardless of the particular species, is traditionally considered an ominous sign to envision in a dream. This symbol strongly suggests that you should pay more attention to the... Learn More!

Lions head

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