Plate Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Plate explained:

May symbolize food, nurturance, love, and comfort.

Serving up mud as a meal to family members or household guests at mealtime is actually a very positive symbol in terms of wealth and financial security when seen in a dream vision. It predicts a sudden, unexpected turn of events that would noticeably eliminate your need to worry about money, for example, by increasing your disposable income or wiping out your debt. Your budget could relax slightly, and you would feel completely capable of providing for your and your family's wants and needs.

A plate of cooked white rice is often thought to be a warning for the dreamer. It suggests that you may fall on hard times and be restricted to a limited budget. You would have to carefully manage your funds and be aware of where your money is going, especially in regards to food and basic necessities. The greens on top of the rice support and enhance this symbolic vision. If you are currently well-off, it would be wise to save some of available money for emergency use.

Being very hungry at the beginning of your dream is a positive sign associated with meeting new people who you can bond with deeply and form a lasting connection with. This person or group of people is likely to have a strong influence on you, teaching you important life lessons or helping you make beneficial changes in your life. Losing your appetite suggests that they fit seamlessly into your life as it is, meaning you may already be aware that they exist but have not taken advantage of their presence, possibly because you feel embarrassed or shy. The spider on your plate in the middle of the dream, however, indicates a period of misfortune which may force your hand, in this case, causing you to rely on their support whether you want to or not.


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