Rejection Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Rejection explained:

Rejection in your dream symbolizes the same feeling in your waking life. You want to be free of a situation or person in your waking life. On the other hand you might be refusing to believe some new information. If you are being rejected, the dream indicates that you have little or no self confidence. You are too nice to others and you do not take care of your own needs. If the rejection is by someone you are involved with, that person actually represents attributes of yourself that you are ignoring.

May symbolize feeling an inability to accept something about yourself, someone else, or a situation.

Dreaming about being surrounded by men predicts much the same in wake life, namely that you are about to find yourself being very popular with the male population. While certainly desirable, your sudden rise in fame and admiration could distract you from other important areas of your life, particularly your overall health and emotional well-being. Being rejected in this vision, then, is a reminder that you need to put yourself first before worrying about less important things like dating or going out.

The type of media content we consume can sometimes influence the narrative of our dreams. Having said that, your murder mystery dream speaks of your hidden yearning to get rid of a particularly unsavory aspect of yourself. The recurring side of this vision means that either you are unaware of this aspect of yourself or you are afraid of confronting your inner demons. The unrequited love angle as a resolution to the murder reveals suppressed feelings of neglect and rejection. Maybe some part of you wants some validation or affirmation from the people around you. Visions like these call for self-awareness and introspection to break certain cycles and resolve deep-seated personal issues.

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