Seeing a woman Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Seeing a woman explained:

Meeting an old woman in your dream tells of problems or troubles coming your way. It can be due to old issues from your past that continue to hound you, and these have a negative outcome for your life at the moment.

Dreaming of seeing war and living near a war zone is a negative sign. It means you are about to experience periods of sadness and hardships, especially if you are a younger-aged person.

A dream in which you feel that you have encountered God has negative vibes. It could signify that you are about to become involved with a woman who's very despotic or who would rule you with an iron hand. Being in a relationship with her would only leave you feeling confined and miserable.

Seeing or looking at food in your dream is a warning that you could be hurting your business or projects because of poor bookkeeping, including the records of expenses, which could be misleading or inaccurate.

The sight of hell in your dream is a sign of living through remorseful episodes and repentance about your actions or behavior you have recently exerted onto others.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Seeing rats - Seeing rats in a dream vision, whether they are scurrying in an alley or within your house's premises, is a symbol of betrayal. Neighbors or relatives whom you trust may turn their backs on you when y... Learn More!
  2. Young woman - Seeing a young woman in your dream is a symbol of romance. You are about to enter into a love relationship and this will be something very fulfilling for you. You will have a very fruitful love affair... Learn More!
  3. Seeing bears - Dreaming of seeing bears, perhaps a family of bears in the mountains or spotting the pack while out camping in the woods, means you could be finding competition and rivalry irresistible. Maybe you are... Learn More!
  4. Seeing a box - Seeing a box in your dream, such that when you visit a house and a box pops up in the scene and you see it immediately before anything else, could mean your relationship with friends and people you ca... Learn More!
  5. Seeing a cat - Seeing a cat and having it try to follow you in your dreams is a sign of misfortune entering your life soon. However, if you got rid of the cat by scaring it off or killing it in your dream, then thi... Learn More!
  6. Seeing a rat - Seeing a rat in your dream refers to having an unpleasant encounter with your neighbors or with people who live in your community. This confrontation could become physical and can possibly lead to a b... Learn More!
  7. Seeing waves - Watching waves as they bob up and down on the water represents some challenges that are affecting your current tasks or plans. In a sense, this vision is the manifestation of the ups and downs you are... Learn More!
  8. Seeing a bear - Seeing a bear in your dream can be a sign of rivalry and competition accompanying your life every step of the way. It can also signify being successful and provide best solutions for problems and issu... Learn More!
  9. Seeing a bomb - Seeing a bomb in a vision, one that you are inspecting closely, a discarded or planted bomb in a box or bag near you, means you are feeling anxious about something in reality. You could be worried abo... Learn More!
  10. Seeing murder - To see a murder in your dream signifies a great deal of sadness because of some people’s malicious intentions or behavior you are about to face. You may also witness violence leading to someone's deat... Learn More!

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