Selling a pig Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Selling a pig explained:

This could be linked to the term “greedy like a pig” before? In today’s world pigs are referred to as dirty, greedy, stubborn. Do you possess these qualities in your life right now. If you do it might be time that you change your ways. The symbolism of pigs in ancient times where not considered bad but good. They where considered to be symbols of fertility, strength and abundance.

What are you selling? This might be a part of you that you want to give away. You might want to “Sell” something or an idea that belongs to you.… It is also possible that you might be selling yourself too short. Find out if your dream atmosphere was pleasant or not.

Dreaming about seeing a wild pig could bear negative connotations. Namely, you could be about to be hurt, degraded or humiliated by the behaviors of ill-intended individuals. That is, you could soon be the targeted by other people’s intentional disrespect and misconduct.

Dreaming about stumbling over a dead pig or of seeing a dead pig lying on the ground often is a negatively charged symbol. It could portend the appearance of problems and difficulties. You could have a hard time trying to resolve, surpass or overcome these obstacles.

May reflect derogatory feelings or attitudes about Italians.

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  4. A white pig - Dreaming about a white pig, including an albino, is an ominous sign. Namely, it foretells death. For example, it could be that someone would die or go through a near-death experience. This situation c... Learn More!
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  6. A filthy pig - Dreaming about seeing a filthy pig could be a negative symbol. In particular, one of your close relationships could be lacking true mutual respect and purity. That is, you could start feeling you are ... Learn More!
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  10. Selling paper - Envisioning yourself selling paper, any paper product including notebooks and recycled sheets of paper as office supplies, means business would be booming. If you are an employee, then there could be ... Learn More!

Selling a pig

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