Ships in the sea Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Ships in the sea explained:

Large bodies of water, like a sea or the ocean, are usually considered to symbolize your unconscious and your emotions.

Water is your emotional state so if the sea is rough or dirty signify how we feel at the given moment. If you are lost at sea suggest that you are unable to sea the bigger picture and need some direction. Sea can mean See, are you not seeing something properly.

Dreaming about watching war ships could be symbolic of a possible separation. You could have some professional obligations and duties that are making you more busy than usual. You could even need to travel abroad for some time. This would mean leaving your close friends and people whom you cherish behind. However, such temporary separation would be a necessity in order for you to successfully continue with your work and associated responsibilities.

Calm and peaceful sea in your dream predicts periods of good weather and favorable environmental conditions for things you are intending to do or plans involving travel.

May symbolize your own mineral, plant, and animal energy.

Top Most Related Dreams to Ships in the sea

The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Black sea - A black sea as a dream symbol represents confusion or negative emotions likely overwhelming you in the real world. For instance, you may view the sea as black because it is night-time or perhaps the w... Learn More!
  2. Raging sea - Looking at or being on the raging sea is a bad sign of looming troubles which may occur in your life, areas such as workplace or inside your family circle. This dream points to your concerns related t... Learn More!
  3. Stormy sea - Having a dream about stormy or raging sea is a warning sign to pay attention and be prepared for potential troubles which may come from sources you would least expect. These issues may be caused by yo... Learn More!
  4. Sea surface - Dreaming about being on the sea surface symbolizes ruined expectations because having lots of carnal pleasures in your life may lead to spiritual emptiness, which can be very difficult to deal with.... Learn More!
  5. Ships in the sea - Seeing ships sailing in the sea in your dream foretells possible hesitation and uncertainty you will go through when faced with some events or circumstances you did not expect to happen.... Learn More!
  6. A number of ships - Dreaming about seeing a group of ships in the sea could translate a need for assistance. Some unexpected, unplanned and unforeseen circumstance or happening could soon leave you in a delicate state or... Learn More!
  7. Blue sea water - Looking at sea water blue or dark blue in color foretells a possibility of meeting with someone you know very well, which will bring joy and happiness as a result of the time spent together.... Learn More!
  8. Clear blue sea - Seeing clear blue sea in your dream foretells joy and happy existence you will experience in your life for a long time.... Learn More!
  9. Strong sea waves - Seeing strong sea waves in your dream is a bad sign of being exposed to losses and sadness caused by negative circumstances or experiences while living through some perilous times.... Learn More!
  10. Two ships colliding - Dreaming of a ship on a collision course with another ship conveys a warning. This imagery is an allusion to flaring tempers and turbulent emotions. You may be reaching a boiling point with another cl... Learn More!

Ships in the sea

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