Someone kissing a hand for females Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Someone kissing a hand for females explained:

Hands are one of the most useful body parts. Dreams of them signify your feelings of leadership and communication with the world. To see someone else hand is a message your unconscious telling you that you need to accept the help being offered to you or you need to look for help. If it is your hand outstretched then you should reach out and help someone. If you dream of your right hand it could be a pun representing someone who is close to you and does almost everything with you.

A kiss is symbolic of affection and liking of someone or someone or something they represent. Pay close attention to what body part you kiss in the dream. If your dream ends before you get to kiss someone then it suggests insecurity and uncertainty of feelings that person has for you. You want to pursue a relationship with them but do not know how to do it. If you see other people kissing in your dream it implies you are caught up in other peoples business. If you are kissing someone’s hand it represents that you think highly of that person. Kissing someones foot indicates more respect for that person and you are not afraid to bow down to others because of your modest character. While a kiss on the cheek by you or someone else denotes appreciation and companionship. If you kiss someone else girlfriend or boyfriend in your dream it signifies jealousy or guilt over a situation that actually happened. You may be attracted to your friends girlfriend or boyfriend and not fully aware of it but you should try and distant yourself a bit. If you are kiss someone close to you it suggests your appreciation for that person in your life. It could represent a desire to want more than a friendship with them. It could simply mean that you are lacking intimacy in your life. If you kiss or are kissed by a stranger symbolizes acceptance of your character. The stranger represents hidden or repressed traits of you. The kiss indicates you are content with yourself and recognize you need to be who you really are. If you are being forced to kiss the stranger then it means you are rejecting aspects of yourself. If someone is obliging you to kiss them, the dream indicates you are being forced to do things in life that you do not want to do. If you kiss an enemy it represents a friend that would soon no longer be your friend because they are going to turn their back on you.

This vision in the dream could be an indication of some powerful or authoritative person trying to control or manipulate you. If the bite in this dream was somewhat painless, you could expect that someone might try to interfere with or create obstacles in the way you are trying to undertake some important projects or activities. Be careful how you communicate with or present yourself to this individual.

Dreams about seeing or observing the left hand, especially your own, are an ill omen of coming betrayal. The types of betrayals indicated by visions of the left hand usually are related to a lover, partner or spouse, the most common form being cheating. The result of this deceptive tryst might cause a rift in the relationship or physical separation, which in turn could lead to a period of time filled with loneliness and heart-break.

Dreaming that you have money in one of your hands is an auspicious dream symbol of success. This means that your goals and dreams are within arm's reach. It may even be an inevitability. You have the talent, the support and the right circumstances going your way so you would have an easy time realizing your potential. Your hands represent your skills and capabilities, so perhaps the strongest factor or major advantage that would allow you to succeed is your excellence in whatever industry you are in.

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  2. Kissing a baby - Dreaming of kissing a baby symbolizes lasting physical beauty. This sign indicates that your youthful and attractive countenance will remain alluring for years to come, possibly well into your golden ... Learn More!
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  4. Kissing a bride - Kissing a bride, whether you are the groom during the ceremony or as a wedding guest giving a quick peck to congratulate the bride, is an auspicious dream symbol often associated with the resolution o... Learn More!
  5. A hand by itself - Seeing a hand separated or apart from the rest of the body in a dream is a symbol for helplessness or a lack of control in a given situation. Disembodied hands mean wanting help to do something or wis... Learn More!
  6. Kissing a child - A dream in which you kiss a child should be considered a positive sign. This dream symbolizes that you could soon have a series of peaceful or serene intervals in your life. These periods could bring ... Learn More!
  7. Children kissing - Children kissing innocently reflects something positive that will transpire in your life. Compromise will finally be reached among family members about an issue that caused divisiveness among your lov... Learn More!
  8. Kissing children - Kissing a child or children in a dream vision, no matter whom the children belonged to, is an auspicious sign to perceive. It suggests you would find great happiness and contentment in the future. In ... Learn More!
  9. Kissing my shoes - Kissing your own shoes during the course of a dream vision is often considered the manifestation of the dreamer's feelings about themselves. It suggests you believe highly in yourself and have the ego... Learn More!
  10. Kissing your pet - In the context of a dream vision, kissing your beloved animal companion represents an upcoming change in your day to day existence. This shift could be either positive or negative, depending on your s... Learn More!

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