embalming Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about embalming explained:

May suggest the first step of putting something such as emotions, or thoughts to rest.

Dreaming about being present at or observing the process of embalming a dead body could reveal external and powerful influence. It is possible that those who surround you are trying to influence you to think and act in a particular way. However, this would mean that they would be trying to change your own principles, values and beliefs. The dream might also be alerting you to pay attention to other people’s intentions, your values and your willingness to change these. This would prevent you from being manipulated beyond your conscious awareness and against your important personal life goals.

Dreaming about observing yourself embalming the dead body of a stranger could symbolize loneliness. You may be about to go through a period during which you will feel lonely and isolated, without a single loved person to hang out with. Alternatively, you could soon experience major financial problem. Therefore, you could take this dream as a warning. You should prepare yourself, for there are hard times ahead.


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