pisces the fishes Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about pisces the fishes explained:

Watching two fishes of different color peacefully swimming in a bowl points to the stand you may have taken in an argument, being the correct thing to do. Staying neutral and trying not to interfere with other people's issues can be a sound strategy to not be dragged into problems that do not really concern you.

May represent someone born under the sign of Pisces.

To see heaps of fish in your dream indicate a desire to grab all opportunities and chances coming your way in order to succeed in life instead of relying solely on your fate. The submarine represents your introspection in relation to the breaks and prospects that are appearing on your horizon. Perhaps you are weighing the pros and cons of choosing one opportunity over the other. Alternatively, the submarine could also refer to your ability to choose among a variety of perspectives. The vision may be symbolic of your open mind. Either way, you may be presented with a lot of options to further your career, hence your subconscious is reminding you to be circumspect with your decisions.

This dream vision could be interpreted as an act of giving birth to fish, which is a warning sign about possible complications during pregnancy if you are planning on having a child or children soon or in the future. On the other hand, if you think of this imagery of fish inside your stomach as a result of swallowing fish, it is a good sign of growing personally, enrichment of your inner world and spiritual development you are going through in your waking life.

Envisioning yourself being presented with fish suggests you wish to have sexual relations with the person who gave them to you, in this case, your advisor. The live fish represent success in romantic endeavors, suggesting initial forays may look promising. However, the dead fish at the end of the vision suggest loss and disappointment, and may even point toward an onset of a sickness, not necessarily related to the circumstances mentioned above.

Fish often refers to ideas or insights. So finding fish living under your skin could symbolize unrealized potential, unexpressed feelings or ideas that have not been implemented. In putting your ideas or thoughts into action, as illustrated by fishing them out and placing them in water, you could get mixed results. The one that escaped down the sink means this idea may not materialize or end up failing. This is likely the safer and more conservative of your projects, with the big eyes and cute appearance, but it may fail to perform. Meanwhile, the other fish you caught before it escaped means this could pay off but there would be a lot of risks involved, as indicated by the sharp teeth. Perhaps the fish could also represent romantic prospects, one seems to be the secure option and the other is a bit more dangerous and unpredictable.

This dream is a bit of a mixed basket which predicts good fortune but also contains a warning. Seeing three fish together in a fish tank predicts you are soon to experience a period in your life filled with happiness and joy. The cause of your pleasure is seen in your impression that the tank water was from or part of the ocean, as oceans are symbolic of rare and beneficial opportunities. This means you are likely to be given a once in a lifetime chance which, if you take it, would dramatically improve your position in life. However, there is a word of caution. Trying to grab one of the fish indicates that you may take advantage of or abuse your new rank, paying little attention to your actions and treating others badly. If you become over-confident or careless, you may wind up with worse than a bite on the hand.

Both trying to cross a river and black fish in this dream allude to your desire to break free of the daily grind and test your limits.The black-colored fish in this vision serves as a warning of both getting in a trouble and pleasure if you decide to follow this path. The shadows could also suggest regretting the things you are about to embark on because of their inappropriateness in the eyes of others.

This vision is a fairly ominous sign warning of potential storms in your area. The black fish represents rain in literal form, indicating you are about to be affected by stormy weather, possibly a typhoon or hurricane. This is also supported by the image of the dirty water that has been mixed in with the regular water, which points toward the commotion and damage caused by natural disasters. You may want to take precautions with both your valuables and your escape plans lest you may be caught unprepared.

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