watch Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about watch explained:

Meaning of a Watch in a dream

A gold watch, unlike the immediate impression of high value, actually conveys a negative message. It portends the likelihood that you would get robbed, burglarized or lose something valuable in reality. Unfortunately, in this particular situation, there is no one else to blame but yourself. This time, your gullible nature, careless decision-making or inadequate self-defense skills could put you in a vulnerable position.

A wrist watch in dreams is often an urgent reminder that time is running out for important decisions. It can also mean that a significant event is drawing near. If you are wearing the wrist watch, then you may be anxious about a long-anticipated happening. Perhaps you have been preparing for a presentation to close a deal at work or a project is about to reach completion. Overall, this is a positive symbol. Despite the urgency, it means your subconscious is aware of your priorities and the matters that need your immediate attention.

A pocket watch in dreams is a symbol of healing and resolution. Whether the pocket watch was given to you or you saw one in a dream vision, it suggests finally tying loose ends with your family or at the workplace. For example, if you have been estranged from family members or relatives for a while now, expect opportunities to talk things out and resolve your ongoing issues. There may be compromises, but at least you would start being civil to each other again.

Finding a watch in a dream, in whatever context or situation, likely reveals your lack of time management skills. You may be prone to lateness and making others wait for you. This lack of respect for time and schedules could gain the ire of even your closest friends and loved ones. As such, perhaps your mind is telling you to be more disciplined and punctual to avoid damaging relationships and sabotaging your potential to succeed.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Stealing a watch - Stealing a watch in a dream is a bad omen. It means your reputation and credibility may be tarnished in reality because of unscrupulous characters trying to bring you down. They could be doing it out ... Learn More!
  2. Adjusting a watch - Adjusting or resetting a watch in dreams alludes to a return on investment. You may have been working on a project for a long time without gaining anything from it. Fortunately, this vision is telling... Learn More!
  3. A lost wrist watch - Finding yourself in a dream vision where you have lost your wrist watch is normally interpreted as a negative sign, especially for a girl or woman. Lost watches predict experiencing domestic issues, p... Learn More!
  4. Losing a wrist watch - To lose a wrist watch in a dream is a bad omen. Usually, the symbol of discovering that your wrist watch is gone portends broken relationships and missed opportunities. You may have neglected the need... Learn More!
  5. Finding a fashionable watch - Dreaming about coming across or accidentally finding someone's watch, for example while walking on the street or inside your house after someone's visit, could serve as a hint of not being punctual. Y... Learn More!
  6. Looking at a watch when late - To dream that you are anxiously checking your watch, knowing that you are already running late, means that you are apprehensive about your future. There may be some regret involved once you realize th... Learn More!
  7. Asking boyfriend to watch him urinate - This vision your boyfriend had of you wanting to watch him urinate could predict someone close to him, most likely you, becoming unwell in the near future. It is possibly because your boyfriend is sub... Learn More!
  8. Boyfriend being told to watch sex with ex-husband - Your boyfriend's dream of you wanting to watch you having sex with your ex partner likely reveals his insecurities. Perhaps he still feels threatened by your ex because of the memories and experiences... Learn More!
  9. Pirates chasing someone, breaking into a fight as people watch - Dreaming about pirates chasing after someone could be a reflection of you recently becoming a witness or participant in plans or intentions by someone you know to leave their home or family. The reaso... Learn More!
  10. Wanting but being unable to attend or watch a concert with favorite singers - Dreaming about never being able to enjoy your favorite concert actually speaks of the troubles that are currently plaguing your mind though they are not necessarily related to the concert itself. In f... Learn More!


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