wearing Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about wearing explained:

may symbolize your personna, or the side of yourself that you let the world see.

Wearing earrings in your dream, for example when you see your reflection in the mirror and a pair of earrings are dangling from your ear lobes, could allude to learning someone's secret or information which was once unavailable or hidden from you and now in plain sight. The dream could also be a sign of your unwillingness or resistance to listen to what others have to say, especially if it hurts or dents your ego. Try to be a listener and hear out what others are telling you and they would appreciate you more for this effort.

Having a dream when you are wearing or forced to wear wet shoes may be a sign of lies about you coming from your enemies. It can also mean possible insincerity from a person you are romantically involved with.

When you dream about wearing new pair of shoes, it is a sign of growth in wealth. Having this dream can also be telling about some substantial profit or good luck in business or investment activities you are involved in.

To dream of wearing a diamond on any part of your body is an omen of an upcoming separation from a lover or romantic partner, or it could mean a wedge has been driven in the friendship between you and a very close friend of yours.

Top Most Related Dreams to wearing

The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Wearing gemstones - Envisioning yourself wearing gemstones in the form of jewelry predicts a rise in position. This dream vision could indicate receiving a promotion or earning company-wide recognition for a project you ... Learn More!
  2. Wearing ammunition - Seeing yourself or someone else wearing ammunition means you are about to receive some incentive or honor that will eventually become a source of stress because of the negative or unwanted outcomes th... Learn More!
  3. Wearing tight shoes - Dreaming about wearing tight shoes indicates your vulnerability to individuals who ridicule, slander or backbite you over someone you chose to like or love. This dream can also indicate unfortunate tu... Learn More!
  4. Wearing black shoes - Having to wear black shoes in your dream signifies improvement in your life situation and an important event which can become a great source of your overall satisfaction and happiness.... Learn More!
  5. Wearing gold jewelry - Dreaming about observing yourself wearing gold jewelry often is a negatively charged symbol. Namely, you could be about to be robbed, fooled or used. That is, you would soon be the victim of a violent... Learn More!
  6. Wearing a raincoat - Dreaming about wearing a raincoat to protect yourself against strong rain is a warning about a big scandal you are about to get yourself involved in.... Learn More!
  7. A man wearing a dress - Dreaming about a man who is wearing a dress intended for a woman usually means you are about to find yourself in a situation where you could easily be deceived or tricked by someone. Specifically, thi... Learn More!
  8. Wearing black clothes - Wearing black clothes in a dream is usually a bad omen. It means there is a great misfortune in your future, such as the passing of a loved one or a similar personal loss. The color itself denotes dep... Learn More!
  9. Wearing platform shoes - A dream in which you see yourself wearing platform shoes likely points to a change in social environment or place of residence that could soon take place wherein there would be a possibility of meetin... Learn More!
  10. Wearing kid's clothes - Wearing kid's clothes in your dream is actually a warning sign. It symbolizes discord or upheaval. There could be disagreements or fights which might occur within your family and which might cause con... Learn More!


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